Privacy policy

The protection of personal data has always been treated as one of the most important aspects in the activities of Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka Z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Zapłocie Duże 56, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, NIP 5472112401. Our goal is also to properly inform you about matters related to the processing of personal data, especially in the light of the new provisions on the protection of personal data, including Regulation (EU) 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council /679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”). For this reason, in this document we inform you about the legal basis for the processing of personal data, the methods of collecting and using it, as well as the rights of data subjects related to it.

Processing of personal data
Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka Z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością  – hereinafter referred to as the Entity, respects and respects users’ rights to privacy. Below you will find information on how we collect, process and use information about users of the website: and how we ensure the protection of users’ personal data by using appropriate technological solutions.
Processing of personal data of users of the website

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. All personal data is collected, stored and processed by the website in accordance with the provisions on the protection of personal data, in particular the provisions of the GDPR and the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services. Providing personal data is voluntary, however, providing the e-mail address and the user’s name and surname is necessary to use the service: Contact Form. Some services available from the website may require providing other data (e.g. telephone number, home address) necessary for their implementation. The provided data is protected against access by third parties and used by the Entity only for contacts with users necessary to provide a given service.

Personal data administrator

The administrator of personal data is:
Tomasz Mirka
Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
street Zapłocie Duże 56, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała

Purpose of personal data processing
Personal data is collected, stored and used by Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka Z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością  with the consent of the persons concerned, in accordance with the law and in compliance with due procedures and in a way that guarantees their security. The administrator may use personal data only to ensure proper service for website users, in particular as part of communication with users who have given their consent or to conduct online registration.

The right to access your personal data, correct it and delete it. The User has the right to access and correct his/her personal data provided to the Entity as part of the contact form service. Complete deletion of data provided in the contact form takes place after processing the inquiry or before it – at the user’s request. Any person who has consented to the processing of their personal data as part of the use of the services available on the website may contact the administrator directly with a request to allow them to access, correct or delete them, by sending a message to the following address:

Protection of processed personal data
The set of collected personal data is treated as a high-security database, stored on a server protected against both remote (IT) and physical access. In addition, all persons processing users’ personal data for the purposes of the website have appropriate authorizations issued by the personal data administrator.

Sharing personal information
The data administrator does not transfer (does not sell or lend in any way) the collected personal data of users to the websites to third parties. The data that the Administrator may disclose to entities cooperating with him are general statistical summaries that do not allow the identification of individual users. For technical reasons, the Administrator may entrust another entity, by way of a written agreement, with the processing of data without changing the purpose of their processing indicated above.

Processing of other data of website users.
We collect information about the use of the website by its users and their IP addresses based on the analysis of access logs. We use this information to diagnose server problems, analyze possible security breaches and manage the website. The IP address is also used by us for statistical purposes, i. e. to collect and analyse the demographic data of visitors to the website (e. g. information about the region from which the connection was made). On the basis of the information obtained as described above, summary, general statistical summaries shall be drawn up in specific cases. However, these statements do not contain, as we emphasize, any data that can identify (identify) the user in question.
At the same time, we inform you that we may be obliged to disclose information concerning your IP number at the request of state authorities authorised to do so under applicable law in connection with their proceedings.

Transmission Protection
Data of special importance – in particular passwords of any kind – is transmitted via the SSL encrypted protocol.

Cookies Files
The website https://www. emvsystem. pl/ does not automatically collect any information, except for information contained in cookies. Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the end device of the user of the website (e. g. computer, mobile phone) and are intended to use the website and allow the information contained therein to be read only by the server that created them. Cookies contain the name of the website from which they come, the duration of their storage on the end device and a unique number.
The entity placing cookies on the end device of the website user and gaining access to them is the Data Controller.

We use cookies for the following purposes:
– adapt the content of the website to the user’s preferences and optimize the use of websites; in particular, these files allow to recognize the user’s device on the website and properly display the website, tailored to his individual needs
– create statistics that help to understand how users use the website, which makes it possible to improve its structure and content
– maintain the user session (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to re-enter login and password on every subpage
– remembering the interactions undertaken;
– providing users with advertising content more tailored to their interests

The website uses two basic types of cookies:
– session cookies (session cookies) temporary files that are stored in the end device of the user until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the software (web browser);
– permanent (persistent cookies) files stored in the end device of the user for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the user.

Due to the purpose of cookies, the website uses the following types:
– Necessary cookies, enabling the use of services available on the website, e. g. authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication
– cookies used to ensure security, e. g. used to detect fraudulent authentication;
– performance cookies, allowing to collect information about how to use the website
– functional cookies, allowing to “remember” the settings selected by the user and personalize the user interface, e. g. in the scope of the selected language or region from which the user comes, font size, appearance of the website;
– statistics used for counting statistics on websites
– advertising cookies, enabling to provide users with advertising content more tailored to their interests
The end user may agree to the storage of cookies originating from the website on his/her terminal device by means of the software settings installed on the telecommunications terminal device used by him/her.

ATTENTION! In many cases, the software used to browse websites (web browser) allows the storage of cookies on the user’s end device by default. The User may change the settings regarding cookies at any time. These settings may be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of the web browser or to inform about their placement on the device of the website user each time. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies is available in the settings of the software (web browser). Please note that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the website.

You can manage the cookies used by the website by changing the settings of your web browser. At the same time, the entity reserves that after rejecting cookies, some functions may not work properly, and even in some cases this may result in the complete impossibility of using certain functionality.

Legal bases of processing
When processing personal data in connection with your use of the website, we may be faced with different types of legal grounds for processing, depending on the categories of personal data we process and the purpose of the processing. And so, for example:
– we process the personal data of visitors to our websites on the basis of the legitimate interest of the data controller, e. g. by matching the displayed advertisements, or on the basis of consent if we have asked the data subject for such consent;
– we process personal data of persons who use the online registration and fill in the online form for this purpose, as it is necessary for the purpose of completing the registration order;
– we process personal data of persons who use the contact form, as it is necessary for the purpose of contacting;
– sometimes we are required by law to process certain personal data for tax and accounting purposes.

How long do we process personal data?
The time for which we may process personal data depends on the legal basis that constitutes the lawful ground for processing personal data. In the current policy, we state that we may never process personal data for longer than the legal basis above. Accordingly, we inform you that:
1) if we process personal data on the basis of consent, the processing period lasts until you withdraw your consent;
2) if we process personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the data controller, the processing period lasts until the abovementioned interest ceases (e. g. the limitation period for civil law claims) or until the data subject objects to further such processing – in situations where such an objection is in accordance with the provisions of law;
3) in the event that Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka Z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością processes personal data because it is necessary due to the applicable legal provisions, the data processing periods for this purpose shall be determined by those provisions
4) in the absence of specific legal or contractual requirements, the basic data retention period for records and other supporting documentation drawn up during the performance of the contract is a maximum of 10 years.

What rights do data subjects have and how to exercise them?
Individuals have certain rights regarding their personal data, and the data controller is responsible for exercising these rights in accordance with applicable law. If you have any questions and requests regarding the scope and exercise of your rights, as well as to contact us in order to exercise a specific right in the field of personal data protection, please contact us at tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl. We reserve the right to exercise the following rights after positive verification of the identity of the person applying for a given action.

Access to personal data
Individuals have the right to access the data that we hold as a data controller. This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to: tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl

Change of personal data
Changes, including updating your personal data that are processed can be made by sending an e-mail to tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl

Withdrawal of consent
Where personal data is processed on the basis of consent, individuals have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. We inform you of this right at any time of collection of consents and make it possible to withdraw consent as easily as it was granted. In the absence of different information, i. e. if we have not provided a different address or contact number for the purpose of withdrawing consent, please send us an e-mail to tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl

Right to restriction of processing or to object to the processing of personal data
Individuals have the right to restrict the processing or to object to the processing of their personal data at any time on grounds of their particular situation, unless the processing is required by law.
A natural person may object to the processing of his or her personal data when:
the processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest or for statistical purposes, and the objection is justified by the particular situation in which it finds itself, the personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling for this purpose.

The right to object can be exercised from 25 May 2018.
With regard to the request for restriction of data processing, we suggest that it is possible, for example, if the data subject notices that his or her data are incorrect. In that case, you may request the restriction of the processing of your data for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data.
Other rights: right to request erasure and right to data portability
If you wish to exercise these rights, please send an email to tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl
The right to erasure can be exercised, for example, if the data of a natural person are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if the natural person withdraws his or her consent to the processing of the data. In addition, if a natural person objects to the processing of his/her data or if his/her data will be processed unlawfully. The data should also be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation.
On the other hand, the right to data portability is granted if the processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the consent of the natural person or a contract concluded with him or her and if the processing is carried out by automated means.

Any other questions, concerns and complaints
If you have any questions, concerns or concerns about the content of this Privacy Policy or the way we process personal data, as well as any complaints regarding these matters (although we hope you will not need to make such complaints), please send an email with details of your complaint to tomasz. mirka@giessler-group. pl. Any complaints received will be dealt with and responded to.
Persons whose personal data is processed also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body, which is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (former: General Inspector for Personal Data Protection), address: UODO, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.
Naturally, we do not limit contact with us and allow personal contact, as well as contact by letter (by post) or telephone contact, and for this purpose we provide the following contact details:
Emv Giessler Group Polska Spółka Z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością
Tomasz Mirka
ul. Fence Big 56, Bielsko-Biała 43-300

Is it possible to change this Privacy Policy and when?
We undertake to review this Privacy Policy on a regular basis and to revise it as necessary or desirable due to: new laws, new guidelines from authorities responsible for overseeing personal data protection processes, best practices in the area of personal data protection (Codes of Good Practice if you are bound by such Codes, which we will inform you of at that time). We also reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy in the event of a change in the technology we use to process personal data (insofar as the change affects the wording of this document), as well as in the event of a change in the ways, purposes or legal basis for our processing of personal data.

Reminders about the possibility of giving an opinion.

We cooperate with Rating Captain, a tool used to survey the satisfaction of our clients with the services provided by us/products sold. As part of our cooperation, we will ask you to complete a survey or review us or our products/services. In addition, the Rating Captain tool processes data about your activity on our website (subpages visited, time of visit to a given site, clicks, use of services/products viewed), information about your device or browser, including its location. We have concluded an appropriate agreement with Rating Captain for the processing of personal data. Please note that your data will not be profiled using the Rating Captain tool. You may revoke your consent at any time by sending a message to our contact address indicated under Our contact details and your rights.